What are BNG habitat credits?

Habitat units, or BNG units represent measurable improvements or avoided losses to biodiversity that developers can purchase to compensate for the impact of their projects on the habitats to your site, enabling you to meet Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) requirements and secure planning consent.

Buy BNG credits

Why do I need to buy BNG habitat units?

The Environment Act 2021 requires a statutory minimum of 10% biodiversity net gain (BNG) for all new developments in England & Wales from February 2024.

Every development now requires an ecological assessment on the impact your project will have on habitats and biodiversity. This report will show the lost habitat units of various types and distinctiveness of habitat for your site. If you can't replace these units on-site with a net gain of 10% then you will require off-site BNG units to cover the shortfall and ensure you get sign off from your local planning authority for your development project.

Our team of ecology, planning and compliance experts are ready to provide certified high quality BNG units, ensuring your investment in the local ecosystem makes a real difference to the biodiversity of plants and animals.

See our FAQ's for more information or get in touch with a member of our team.

  • Integrity

    All of our BNG credits are officially certified with either a local authority s.106 or conservation covenant from a DEFRA approved responsible body and registered with Natural England.

  • Trust

    Our team of ecologists are highly respected leaders in their field, proven at delivering successful conservation and habitat projects across the country.

  • Impact

    Our sites are hand selected to ensure the credits you buy make a genuine difference to the quality of the habitats and enhance the natural biodiversity. Working with schools to create educational value.

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